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I went 100% Free Software! (and Trisquel 11 Review)

Sup butterfuckerz, I'm back to editing this site after about a month of hiatus!
As of writing this I went 100% Libre software! Not like I was using a lot of proprietary garbage before, but I did use the comfort of Wireless Networking and sometimes played Minecrap. As of writing this (11/08/23) my distro is Trisquel A.K.A Debian but with nice desktop set up and no non-free shite. I really like it and I don't really feel like HOOOOOOPING again this week (This week I was allready running Arch, Mint, Void, Debian and Trisquel LMFAO). Did you know that ThinkPad T400 can be used as a 100% free software machine? Well, I did not, but now i know thanks to one amazing site known as h-node. Maybe Wi-Fi does not work, but Wi-Fi is an devil itself so that's not a problem, especially since router is in my room and moving it on my desk was no problem. The last proprietary piece of shit on my laptop is the glownigger backdoor known as "BIOS", wich will be soon replaced with Libreboot.

Trisquel 11 Review

Trisquel became my distribution of choice for the world of FSF aprooved distros, especially since Chief GNUisance Richard Stallman itself runs it, so it's gotta be good!
And it is! It really is! But let's shit on it before I will praise it, IT RUNS SOYSTEMD!!!. Ok that's it. Now let's sing praises! It runs very lightweight Linux-libre kernel, so no non-free blobs by default! That's really great and makes the experience a bit smoother even with SOYstemD. Other than that, it bases on da best boy (actually ubuntu but cmon, ubuntu is debian with retarded desktop and proprietary garbage preinstalled), so it uses the glorious apt! The default graphic enviroment is also really cool, it's name is MATE (not mate you fucking australian nazi, maté) and it's an continuation of old GNOME before the 9/11 known as GNOME 3 happened. When I found out about MATE, it really made me feel what open-source and libre software is all about. With proprietary winblows 7, once the daddy microdick pulled the plug, it was dead forever (okay maybe not dead, but pretty unsafe to use, not like winblows is ever safe lmfao). But with libre software, when GNOME did something people did not like, people forked it instead! And now even people like me, who were 2 years old when the apocalypse happen, can experience the glory of GNOME 2 without using prehistoric Debian versions that can only be installed with billion CD's and are useless for anything other than looking at them. By defult, Trisquel has set up MATE to feel like winblows (taskbar in the bottom with start button in the left), but I changed the style to "Traditional" so it will be more like GNOME 2. It's really goddamn good holy shit, I like to try out something new sometimes and it really feels new (at least to me, for people who used GNOME 2 back in the day it's gonna be a blast to the past). So, yeah, that's about it. TL;DR Trisquel cool, MATE best gurl thanks to libre chads. Fight for Free Software and mock Ball Gayts tiny proprietary pecker